Low waste cleaning solutions

Fed up with the plastic packaging that adorns your cleaning cupboard? So are we!

When it comes to keeping our homes clean, there is a lot of single-use packaging out there. So, what can we do about it? From making your own to awesome refillables, there are plenty of low waste cleaning solutions.

If you want to find no to low waste cleaning products in Wānaka, we’ve got you! In this guide, we’ll show you where to buy them and how to cut down on all that packaging.


A woman hanging up laundry with stainless steel pegs from Cali Woods in Wanaka.

Feel good about your laundry routine with a few simple swaps. Instead of plastic containers, try Eco Planet, Earthwise and Eco Store laundry powders, all of which come in a cardboard box with a cardboard scoop. These brands can be found across Wānaka’s supermarkets.

When it’s time to hang it out, order some stainless-steel pegs from Cali Woods; a local social enterprise committed to sustainability. 

If it’s a rainy day or you don’t have time to hang out the laundry, the next best option is dryer balls. Available at the Wonder RoomLavender Farm and Cali Woods (in a cotton bag), this product will save both money, time and energy. Made from NZ wool, dryer balls are designed to cut down on electricity, thanks to their absorbency. They also naturally soften the fabric and prevent your clothes from getting fluffy.

Just visiting or heading off on holiday? The Ethique multi-purpose stain remover bars are great for washing clothes and doing the dishes. Find them at Health 2000.


A person's hands washing dishes in a sink

Gone are the days where plastic scrubbing brushes and washing up bottles adorned our kitchens. With Wānaka’s very own dish detergent bar and soap soaker cage (also available at Freshlink), you can totally transform your dish washing experience. This plastic free combo will keep your hands dry and your dishes sparkling clean.

At Revology Concept Store, you’ll also find wooden-handled brushes with replaceable, home compostable heads. For plastic free scrubbing pads, Freshlink stocks Good Change Eco Scrubs made from loofah plant and wood cellulose. A great guilt free alternative to the usual green and yellow scrubs that release microplastics into our water. Hooray!


From blitzing the kitchen to wiping muck off the kids, cotton/cellulose dishcloths save money and do wonders for the environment. 

A good quality cloth will last years and save money in the long run. There will be no need for paper towels and throwaway cloths – that’s what we call a win-win.

The following shops in Wānaka stock reusable cleaning cloths:

  • Wānaka Supermarkets – Budget brand 100% cotton dishcloth
  • Wonder Room – Swedish Dishcloths with Kiwiana print & R.I.B anti-odour dishcloths
  • Revology Concept Store – sturdy, washable unbleached cotton cloths
  • Freshlink – bamboo and eco glass cleaning cloths
  • Wānaka Wastebusters – cleaning cloths upcycled from towels made by Fabricate

Make your own

If you’re all about natural, chemical free products, you may just want to make your own. Homemade cleaning products are just as (if not more so) effective than store bought items.

To make your own dishwashing and laundry soap, the team at The Rubbish Trip have some wonderful recipes. 


New World Wanaka Refill station

If refills are your thing, you can find everything from refillable dishwashing liquid to disinfectant across Wānaka’s supermarkets. BYO bottles are recommended.

Our favourite finds

At Plastic Free Wānaka, we’re always keeping our eyes open for new, low waste cleaning products. These plastic free items will go hand in hand with the items listed above:

A tip from us...

As you can see, there are a lot of amazing products out there and sometimes making the swap can feel overwhelming. When you’re looking for solutions and alternatives, it’s best to take it one step at a time. Choose one item that you’re going to swap out and focus on implementing that into your daily routine. Once you’ve done that, you’ll find that it becomes easier to adopt more low waste solutions.

Remember, behaviour change isn’t something that happens overnight. So relax, do what you can, and, most importantly, have FUN!