Woman Browsing Second Hand Clothing Wanaka Reuse And Repair

Repair Or Recycle

Sometimes it seems like it’s easier to throw things away than to mend them.

But there are businesses who can help, and remember one woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure


Cnr Riverbank and Ballantyne Roads

You can drop off a huge range of recyclables here, including some hard-to-recycle or unusual items like polystyrene, Tetra Pak, and computer equipment (for a small fee).

There is also an extensive reuse store where you can find heaps of second-hand items for bargain prices, including clothing, kitchenware, appliances, toys, bikes and more.

Metalworks Wanaka

54 Ballantyne Road

If you have a broken item made of metal, Metalworks can fix it, from coffee plungers to tools.

Metalworks Wanaka also repair and repurpose materials whenever possible, and finish their work with biodegradable materials where possible.